
Join us for the vacation adventure of a lifetime. With the release of movies such as City Slickers and Lonesome Dove the appeal of the West, horses, herds of cattle, and western life-styles has suddenly become quite popular. While many travelers are satisfied with illusory depictions of life in the West in the form of 'dude' ranches with their swimming pools and plodding trail rides, we provide the adventurous traveler the opportunity to experience the real West on a Working cattle ranch.

The Flynn Ranch of Townsend, Montana is just such a working ranch, steeped in the tradition of the old West yet progressive and innovative so to remain economically viable in the fast-paced times of computers and FAX machines. The ranch has roots extending far into the past, settled by Jefferson and Anthony Sharp in 1873. Anthony's stepson Claude Flynn then started cutting grass hay with horse drawn mowers, baling it with a stationary baler and hauling it with wagons to the railroad for transport. Electricity reached the ranch in 1940 which led to refrigeration replacing the 'icebox'. As the ranch has evolved over the years with the passing of generations and the additions of property and improvements, it has in essence become bigger than the sum of its parts. Those of us following in the footsteps of the pioneers have truly large boots to fill.

Flynn Ranch vacations are unique. Your hosts will be sons of the pioneers, fourth or fifth generation Montanans who will guide and instruct you on every aspect of operating, living on, and enjoying a 700 cow, 15,000 acre cattle ranch. This is not a tourist mill. The maximum number of guests booked is four per week. You will receive personalized instruction of everything from saddling and caring for your own horse to keeping your rod tip up when playing a rainbow trout in fast water.

You will take part in such activities as calf branding(May), herding cattle, fixing barbed-wire fences, irrigation, hauling salt blocks, and putting up hay. Every day is different and every day will be completely unlike anything you will ever do in your normal workday world. Plan to put in long hours, typically 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.; however there will always be time for fly fishing lessons, photographic opportunities, wildlife viewing, and a myriad of other activities that occur during the course of a ranch day's work.

Last Modified: January 31, 2000